This is Ahmed Samir Resume

As a highly qualified and experienced systems librarian and have a certificate PMP, I am confident in my ability to effectively manage library automation projects and oversee the use of open-source solutions such as Koha ILS, Dspace digital repository, and VUFIND discovery tool.

My strong background in web development and familiarity with technologies such as PHP, Perl, and jQuery make me well-suited for this role. In addition, my dedication to continuous learning is demonstrated by my numerous qualifications and certificates, including those in DevOps, Python, and data science. With my diverse skill set and passion for libraries

  • Full Name : Ahmed Samir Mohamed
  • Date of Birth: 21 April 1989
  • Website :
  • Email :
Ahmed Samir + KOHA + Dspace

Prodcuts & Serviecs

HTML Online Editor

HTML Online Editor

Mauris semper

Cras et nisl vestibulum, accumsan elit sed, pretium enim. Vestibulum in condimentum magna. Maecenas quam magna, iaculis eu turpis et, commodo pulvinar leo.

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Duis at mollis leo, venenatis congue ex. Cras urna dui, gravida euismod lectus et, cursus tempor nulla. Praesent at turpis quis ex tristique gravida quis eget eros.

What People say

Frequently Asked Questions

. Knowledge Management Manager at I&D

. Library Director at FUE

. System Librarian at FUE

. Project Manager at EGPV

. Information System Analyst at EGPV

Agile Project Management Library Services
Business Intelligence (BI) System Administration
Digital Libraries Web Development
Project Management Information Architecture
Data Visualization Digital Transformation


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+2 010-65396587

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